By Ahmad Hathout The Competition Bureau’s deceptive marketing practices lawsuit against Rogers unfairly singles out the cable company’s “unlimited” wireless plans, cherry-picks out-of-context material, and doesn’t square with the fact... Continue Reading
CNOC calls move "disappointing" but not surprising By Ahmad Hathout Bell CEO Mirko Bibic announced Thursday the telco is again cutting its fibre buildout target after the CRTC earlier this... Continue Reading
United Steelworkers union (USW) Local 1944, which represents approximately 4,000 members at Telus, said Wednesday the Vancouver-based telecom’s latest round of voluntary severance packages (VSPs) is part of an ongoing... Continue Reading
By Ahmad Hathout Rogers has filed an application requesting that the CRTC reverse its decision to expand the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) regime to internet of things (IoT) and... Continue Reading
The regulator now moves to challenges against final wholesale decision By Ahmad Hathout The CRTC said large provider access to the aggregated last-mile fibre facilities of mainly Bell but also... Continue Reading
The CRTC said it will not alter the Feb. 13 implementation deadline for Telus, Bell and SaskTel to provide competitors with workable access to their fibre networks in a decision last week... Continue Reading
Broadpeak, a France-based provider of content delivery network (CDN) and video streaming solutions for pay-TV operators and other content providers, announced last week Telus is using Broadpeak’s Origin Packager solution to simplify... Continue Reading
By Ahmad Hathout The CRTC is directing the country’s legacy telcos on Tuesday to modify their tariffs to address certain issues surrounding corrective and make-ready work to hasten access by... Continue Reading
By Mark Goldberg, a telecommunications consultant
The headlines were breathless – Canada’s telecom regulator is going to cut the cost of internet services for people living in the far north
What the CRTC didn’t say, and what was entirely missed in the coverage, is the regulator wants customers in the rest of Canada to pay for it.
This is the same regulator that continually chastises Canada’s internet and wireless providers for not doing enough to lower prices while pushing for more investments to connect remote areas. This, despite the federal government’s own data showing cellular and internet prices keep falling while the…
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Telus quietly purchased the residential internet customers of wholesaler City Wide Communications through its subsidiary Altima last summer, the Vancouver-based telecom confirmed. “As a new entrant in the region, Altima... Continue Reading