Bell says it will withdraw court app challenging lack of action on rate-setting before new attach rules By Ahmad Hathout The CRTC on Tuesday made interim the current wholesale rates... Continue Reading
The CRTC last week asked Bell, Rogers and Telus to make available as soon as possible new international roaming offerings the big three telecoms have told the commission they are... Continue Reading
Telus and Rogers have reached a distribution agreement for the latter’s new Food Network, HGTV, Discovery, Investigation Discovery, Bravo and Magnolia channels. Telus announced Wednesday its Optik TV customers are... Continue Reading
By Ahmad Hathout Bell is accusing the CRTC of putting the cart before the horse when it ordered new pole attachment obligations without first updating the cost for competitors to... Continue Reading
Regulator also designates small ILECs as ONPs By Ahmad Hathout The CRTC on Friday extended by two years the deadline to decommission the legacy 911 system, after public safety groups... Continue Reading
PIAC, Competition Bureau, CCTS push label as important opportunity By Ahmad Hathout The CRTC must take a light-touch regulatory approach when it comes to determining how internet service providers (ISPs)... Continue Reading
By Ahmad Hathout Two of Canada’s largest telecoms are warning the CRTC against implementing a uniform internet subsidy for the far north or risk increasing internet service prices in rest... Continue Reading
By Ahmad Hathout The CRTC has ordered Telus on Wednesday to provide additional monetary compensation to customers in certain remote British Columbia regions who will lose access to landline service... Continue Reading
By Ahmad Hathout Telus CEO Darren Entwistle said in many words Thursday he expects the CRTC to reaffirm its decision to allow the three largest telecoms in the country to... Continue Reading
Telus and the Calgary Airport Authority announced Wednesday a 10-year, multi-million-dollar partnership that will transform YYC Calgary International Airport into the first airport in Canada to be equipped with a 5G private... Continue Reading