TORONTO – Yesterday it was the Steelworkers, today it’s CUPE throwing its support behind the locked-out CBC employees. CUPE (the Canadian Union of Public Employees) is Canada’s largest union and... Continue Reading
TORONTO – An on-line survey done by music services provider Indie Pool says that over 90% of independent Canadian artists support satellite radio. Of 568 artists who responded to the... Continue Reading
TORONTO - The Canadian Media Guild said Monday it has filed a complaint with the Canada Industrial Relations Board “in response to attempts to intimidate employees at Alliance Atlantis Communications,”... Continue Reading
EDMONTON – According to the Telecommunication Workers Union (TWU) and the B.C. and Alberta Federations of Labour, four Calgary radio stations refuse to run radio spots in support of locked-out... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – Last fall a viewer in search of cartoons for the children he was babysitting came across a broadcast of RKO 281 on Bravo! and found the movie contained... Continue Reading
TORONTO - United Steelworkers' national director Ken Neumann said Tuesday that the CBC's decision to lock out its 5,500 Canadian Media Guild employees is foolish and jeopardizes Canadian cultural sovereignty.... Continue Reading
TORONTO - John Galway was named president, English-language program of the Harold Greenberg Fund today while Bryn Matthews was appointed to chairman of the board of directors. John Riley, president... Continue Reading
TORONTO – Talks between the CBC and its union, the Canadian Media Guild, broke off at around 10:30 Sunday night, with no new negotiations planned. A message on the CMG... Continue Reading
TORONTO - Quebecor Media-owned broadcaster Toronto 1 will begin the new fall 2005 season with a brand new name, borrowed from a corporate sister, has learned. Sales representatives for... Continue Reading