OTTAWA – With re-comments re-due today on the CRTC's reconsideration of its 2005 decision on voice over IP telephony regulation, three of the four largest Canadian MSOs came down on... Continue Reading
TORONTO - The most influential leaders of the Canadian and international communications industry will gather in Toronto from June 12-14 at The 2006 Canadian Telecom Summit. The event will present... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – Telus will expand its digital wireless network coverage to additional communities across Quebec, the company announced today. By the fall of 2006, Telus' national 1X digital wireless network... Continue Reading
VANCOUVER – Tens of thousands of Telus customers in British Columbia and Alberta lost their voice mail access this week, say reports. On Tuesday afternoon this week, says, about... Continue Reading
PARIS - Alcatel and Microsoft Corp. announced this week they will use server systems technology from both HP and IBM to deliver solutions for carrier-class triple play/Internet protocol television (IPTV)... Continue Reading
KELOWNA – It's hot here in the Southern Interior of British Columbia. And we don't just mean the weather. While it was sunny and 32-degrees Celsius Wednesday in this town... Continue Reading
KELOWNA – A dozen informative seminars dotted the schedule of the CommTech trade show, held over two days here at the Coast Capri Hotel. Below are notes from two of... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – Striking while the reconsideration iron is hot, Canada's incumbent telcos have asked the federal cabinet to refer another telecom decision back to the CRTC for a re-think. As... Continue Reading
VANCOUVER - Telus has estimated that tens of thousands of consumers and businesses across Canada have recently received fraudulent automated phone calls informing them that they have won a prize.The... Continue Reading
SAN ANTONIO – U.S. telco AT&T and wireless video provider MobiTV announced an agreement this week to deliver mobile television content across AT&T's nationwide Wi-Fi network. The service will enable... Continue Reading