MONTREAL - Telus Québec created four new vice-presidents positions this week. Serge Leclerc has been hired as vice-president of business communications and community affairs and Christian Proulx as vice-president of... Continue Reading
EDMONTON – Alberta Treasury Branches Financial has signed a three-year, $8.3 million contract with Telus to deploy the telco's Internet protocol-based voice and data network services, as well as upgrading... Continue Reading
TORONTO – XM Canada said today it has hired Donald McKenzie as senior vice-president of sales and marketing. McKenzie has more than 22 years experience in sales and marketing in... Continue Reading
WHO COULD BLAME CANADIAN lawyer Richard Warman for taking a shot with the CRTC last week? What would you do if someone used the web to threaten to kill you,... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – The CRTC told Canadians the rights when it comes to telephone service today. The Commission issued a edict telling all incumbent local exchange companies (ILECs: Bell, Telus, SaskTel,... Continue Reading
CHICAGO – The inaugural Broadband World Forum Americas will be held in Vancouver, September 11 to 14. Fittingly, the region's main telco, Telus, will play a prominent role. EVP technology... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – The CRTC called for a TV policy review because of the dramatically shifting nature of the broadcast and distribution industry. But, says Telus, it is this uncertainty created... Continue Reading
SIGNIFICANT. MARKET. POWER. Those three words appear all through the Telecom Policy Review Report, which has covered at length. According to my search of that document, the three words... Continue Reading
VANCOUVER – Telus made three new pledges to its customers Wednesday. Saying it "is reinforcing its commitment to bringing the wireless industry's best experience to clients, the western telco announced... Continue Reading
VANCOUVER – Bruce Bell is no longer the president of the Telecommunications Workers Union, says a statement on its web site. Bell was the point man for the union during... Continue Reading