OTTAWA - The CRTC unveiled sweeping changes to the Canadian TV broadcasting system earlier today. The Regulator has eliminated genre protection rules, shifted from Canadian content exhibition quotas to spending... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – Two big story lines emerged from Friday's Industry Canada’s AWS-3 spectrum auction results: Rogers Communications failed to secure any additional spectrum, while Telus forked over more than $1.5... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – The bidding war for AWS-3 spectrum kicked off Tuesday with Industry Minister James Moore reiterating the federal government’s commitment to “delivering more choice for consumers in the wireless... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – Just in time for the start of the NHL playoffs, TVA Group has announced plans to launch new sports service TVA Sports 3.The French-language channel will air approximately... Continue Reading
TORONTO – As instances of cybercrime continue to grow, Telus and Public Safety Canada are teaming up on a campaign encouraging Canadians to secure the personal information they store on their mobile... Continue Reading
TORONTO – Telus has finalized a new partnership with global Internet of Things (IoT) platform leader Jasper that it says will help Canadian businesses to launch, manage and monetize IoT... Continue Reading
TORONTO - As part of a media tour in Toronto last week, SaskTel president and CEO Ron Styles sat down with to discuss the telecom company’s most recent financial... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – The CRTC has directed all incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) that have support structure services to revise the definition of subscriber drop wire in their respective tariffs.The decision comes... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – Despite assertions from Bell Media and Telus to the contrary, there is nothing “frivolous or vexatious” about its complaint over the tied selling of Bell’s CraveTV streaming service... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – Bell Media’s Mary Ann Turcke has been named Woman of the Year by Women in Communications and Technology (WCT).Turcke, pictured, began her career at Bell as VP of... Continue Reading