Radio / Television News

Shaw family buys more Corus

CALGARY – Corus Entertainment said today that its controlling shareholder, the Shaw Family and entities owned or controlled by them, completed the purchase of an additional 126,200 class B non-voting... Continue Reading

CMG wants feds to stop paying CBC

OTTAWA - "Should a Crown corporation that locks out its employees continue to get its full parliamentary appropriation?" asks the Canadian Media Guild today. In an ad appearing today in... Continue Reading

Vision viewers grow

TORONTO – VisionTV’s faith programming is seeing a resurgence in viewership, says the company. For the season to date, the channel's “Mosaic” programs collectively have recorded a 30-minute audience reach... Continue Reading

DTV: Prices dropping, sales rising

ARLINGTON, Va. – Huge price drops and factory-to-dealer incentives have driven a 45% increase in digital television sales in the U.S. According to recently released Consumer Electronics Association data, 3.8... Continue Reading expands again

HAMILTON, ON – The leading news source for the Canadian cable, radio, television and telecom industry is growing again. While other industry publications cut back, is adding to its... Continue Reading

CBC swings back at CUPE

TORONTO – With unions across the country taking advantage of a high profile lockout by signaling their support for the CBC workers with hyperbolic press releases, the CBC felt the... Continue Reading

Locked-out CBC workers launching web service

TORONTO - Sometime next week, CBC’s locked-out Canadian Media Guild members will launch an Internet-based media service. It will present journalism, and eventually other programming, produced by the reporters, researchers,... Continue Reading