TORONTO - Last week’s Canadian Telecom Summit saw the leaders of Canada’s largest ILECs stay relentlessly on the attack, hitting at the CRTC as well as Canadian cable companies. While... Continue Reading
TORONTO – With the telecom industry taking swing after swing at the Commission he runs for three straight days, CRTC chairman Charles Dalfen jabbed back on Wednesday. He was given... Continue Reading
ORLANDO, Fla. - Mobility and flexibility in communications are driving the increasing enterprise convergence of multiple voice and data networks into one based on Internet protocol (IP) technologies, says a... Continue Reading
MONTREAL –Videotron today announced the addition of RAI International to its channel lineup. This must be one excellent, in-demand channel, because Videotron is the third cable company in three weeks... Continue Reading
THIS WEEK I THINK I finally saw a web-TV application that will actually work. It wasn’t on a television set, though, but on a mobile phone. Mark Henderson, the president of... Continue Reading
BURLINGTON – Today, on Festa Della Republica, the Italian National Day, Cogeco Cable announced that it will offer RAI International to its digital cable customers in Ontario starting June 5.... Continue Reading
TORONTO- Some Globe and Mail subscribers either got their papers late or not at all today as Bell Canada strikers disrupted delivery this morning. Bell Subco (Entourage) technicians, who have... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – Calling Bell Canada anti-competitive, the Coalition of Quebec Internet Service Providers said it’s “deeply concerned” with Bell Canada's decision to try and keep high tariffs on “naked DSL”... Continue Reading
TORONTO - Telecom lawyer Lorne Abugov used this week’s Canadian Telecom Summit to launch Canada’s Telecommunications Hall of Fame. While other industries have their own way to recognize their pioneers... Continue Reading
ST-LAURENT - National wireless provider Telus Mobility today announced the official opening of two new, state-of-the-art retail locations in Quebec City, one on trendy de la couronne boulevard and another... Continue Reading