SUNNYVALE, Calif. - Yahoo! Inc. announced content deals with both CNN and ABC News today. Both news organizations will provide daily video news feeds to Yahoo! News beginning September 2005,... Continue Reading
VANCOUVER - In a decision rendered late Wednesday, the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta issued an interim order that addresses the concerns that led to Telus disabling access to... Continue Reading
GATINEAU - Full marks for decision speed on this one as Telus today received its broadcast distribution undertaking license. The hearing on the license was on June 6th. The license... Continue Reading
WINNIPEG – Revenue and earnings continued to grow in the second quarter of 2005 for Manitoba Telecom Services, the company announced Thursday.Consolidated revenues for the quarter were $502.2 million, up... Continue Reading
TORONTO - A survey released today done on behalf of Bell Canada, Aliant, Sasktel, Télébec and Telus says that Canadians want their incumbent telephone companies to be free of regulation... Continue Reading
I WAS A UNION MEMBER TWICE: For several summers as a labourer installing gas pipeline in Northern Ontario and for a four month stint as a part-time Bookmobile driver and... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – All the regional telcos used to work together to lobby the government like this under the old Stentor Alliance – an working group that was disbanded years ago... Continue Reading
SAINT JOHN – Eastern telco Aliant Inc., a branch of Bell Canada Enterprises, said Wednesday that consolidated revenues were up 1.8% year over year to $517.3 million while net income... Continue Reading
BURNABY, BC – After a bit of plant damage on the weekend resulted in some customers losing their phone service – with the union getting the blame - the war... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – There are just under 40 independent telephone companies left in Canada – little telcos that for one reason or another, were never swallowed up by Bell Canada. All... Continue Reading