TORONTO – Over 1,200 Rogers Cable trucks in Ontario, Newfoundland and New Brunswick will begin sporting “Stop it! Report it!” decals as the MSO announced today it is supporting's... Continue Reading
EXTON, PA - The Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) announced today it’s seeking proposals for technical workshops that will be offered during Cable-Tec Expo 2006, which is set for... Continue Reading
TUNIS, Tunisia - After three days of intense negotiations, the World Summit on the Information Society wrapped up November 16th in Tunis, Tunisia with a pledge to bridge the digital... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – Charles Boyer, vice-president, external and governmental relations at the Canadian Association of Broadcasters left the association this month. He will be joining Videotron help lead the company’s regulatory... Continue Reading
CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. – This morning, Shaw Communications restored the TV signals to Campbell River TV. Due to a battle over digital cable set top boxes, outlined in several stories... Continue Reading
CALGARY – The Shaw family today continued their practice of buying shares of the company JR Shaw founded. The family announced today it purchased a million class B non-voting shares... Continue Reading
TORONTO - Rogers Cable added Phoenix North America Chinese Channel to its big list of multicultural programming today. The Commission approved the channel for addition to the eligible satellite list... Continue Reading
LOUISVILE, Colo. – Cable Television Laboratories has issued a request for information (RFI) for technologies to enable cable operators to share voice over IP (VOIP) traffic directly over their IP... Continue Reading
MISSISSAUGA – “After months of suffering with substandard phone service, British Columbians can now fire their phone company in favour of a better choice,” said Vonage Canada on Wednesday –... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – A pair of announcements from Industry Canada on Wednesday will see over $1.5 million more flow into developing broadband access in Aboriginal and rural communities. Up to $973... Continue Reading