Cable / Telecom News

ET attendance up 10%

TAMPA, Fla. - The Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers has announced that Emerging Technologies 2006, which concludes today, attracted 1,028 attendees, a 10% increase over 2005 in Huntington Beach, Calif.,... Continue Reading

Cable drives Cogeco income up 47%

MONTREAL - First quarter net income at Cogeco Inc, jumped 47.4% to $4.6 million compared to the same period last year. This increase in the first three months of fiscal... Continue Reading

Shaw VOIPs Vancouver

VANCOUVER – With network upgrades now far enough advanced, Shaw Communications preceded its annual general meeting here tomorrow with an announcement today that it is launching Shaw Digital Phone in... Continue Reading

Bell, Cisco and IBM to convert RBC to IP

MONTREAL - Bell Canada announced today that it will undertake a large scale IP (Internet protocol) telephony implementation with RBC Financial Group.Bell will work with Cisco Systems Canada and IBM... Continue Reading