Cable / Telecom News

Cell phone use in Canada up almost 2%

OTTAWA – Almost three-quarters (74.3%) of Canadian households reported having a cell phone in 2008, up from 72.4% in 2007, according to new data from Statistics Canada.The proportion of households... Continue Reading

Bruce Telecom appoints new CFO

TIVERTON, ON - Bruce Telecom has named Laurel Stein as it’s new CFO, effective immediately. Stein, who succeeds William Sipprell who retired in March, is a Chartered Accountant with “extensive” public... Continue Reading

Mobile commerce coming to cell phones

TORONTO – Canadians may soon be able to send and receive money using their mobile phone, thanks to a new application called Zoompass.Launched Monday by mobile commerce company EnStream, Zoompass... Continue Reading

Globealive makes first AWS call

TORONTO - Globalive Wireless placed Canada's first Advanced Wireless Network (AWS) call Saturday, proving the viability of it’s next generation wireless network. The AWS band uses microwave frequencies for enhanced... Continue Reading