Cable / Telecom News

CTAM to feature CTO panel

ALEXANDRIA, VA - The 2009 CTAM Summit will stage a panel of cable and content company CTOs and strategists who will share their product “road maps” designed to meet consumer... Continue Reading

Clearcable Technology Summit coming soon

HAMILTON - Clearcable Networks will hold the 2009 Clearcable Technology Summit for mid-market cable service providers on July 9-10, 2009 near the Cogeco Ontario headquarters in Burlington, ON. With sessions ranging... Continue Reading

MTS, SaskTel strike security deal

REGINA and WINNIPEG – MTS-owned AAA Alarm Systems is buying SaskTel’s security company SecurTek’s Manitoba customer accounts for $1.5 million, in exchange for AAA Alarm’s accounts outside of the province, predominantly... Continue Reading

CTAM chooses Hall of Fame nominees

ALEXANDRIA, VA - The Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM) has selected five nominees for induction into the CTAM Hall of Fame, which honours the industry's “finest and most influential... Continue Reading

Rogers cancelling non-voting shares worth $37M

TORONTO - Rogers Communications will purchase 1.4 million of its outstanding class B non-voting shares for cancellation in a private purchase for an aggregate purchase price of $37,240,000. This represents approximately... Continue Reading

Bruce Telecom joins OTA

OTTAWA - Bruce Telecom has joined the Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) as its twentieth member. “The independent telephone companies of Ontario have a bright future as we diversify our traditional... Continue Reading