THE BROADCAST AND TELECOM Legislative Review panel has received some 2,000 interventions and they had decided to make them public.The news release on September 24th read “These written submissions will... Continue Reading
Panel won’t make them public until JuneCARTT.CA HAS BEEN TOLD Navdeep Bains, Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Minister, has decided to keep the public submissions made to the Broadcasting... Continue Reading
WE DON’T YET KNOW what public process the expert panel reviewing Canada’s Broadcasting, Telecom and Radiocommunication Acts, headed by Janet Yale, will follow as this year unfolds.So, when the deadline... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - While it is still unclear how the interventions to the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review (BTLR) Panel will be made public and when, the CRTC published its comments one day... Continue Reading
TWO YEARS AGO, on December 21, 2016, the CRTC acknowledged the increasing importance of Internet services to Canadians in Telecom Regulatory Policy 2016-496, in which the Commission defined fixed and... Continue Reading
By Denis Carmel The First Law of Economists: For every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist; The Second Law of Economists: They’re both wrong... An economist is someone... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – The Broadcasting and Telecommunications Review (BTLR) panel released three videos last week to help explain the Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Acts. These videos we prepared by panel members... Continue Reading
‘TIS THE SEASON for telecommunications pricing studies: In the next two weeks, a trio of important reports will be made public: The CRTC Telecommunications Monitoring Report, the OECD Digital Economy... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – On the third day of a hearing ostensibly into the CRTC’s Super Bowl simsub decision and the Vavilov spy case, those two individual cases took an even lesser... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – They say you can’t infer an outcome from the line of questioning and the tone of the questions. That goes for the Supreme Court as well as for... Continue Reading