Cable / Telecom News

Wireless takes its toll on Quebecor’s 2010 results

MONTREAL – The costs behind Quebecor’s new wireless network helped to weigh down profits at the Quebec-based media giant.Consolidated net income for the year ended December 31, 2010 was $230.1 million, a 17.1% drop from $277.7 million in 2009.  Revenues hit $4.0 billion, up 5.1% from $3.81 billion last year.Over at Videotron, the company's wireless network ended the year with 136,100 subscribers after adding 41,000 new customers in the fourth quarter.  Videotron also reported 1,811,600 subscribers to its cable television service (including 1,219,600 for illico TV); 1,254,400 subscribers to its cable Internet access service and its new high-speed mobile Internet service; and 1,114,300 subscribers to...