Radio / Television News

Sports services help drive up specialty, pay, PPV and VoD revenue to $4.2B in 2014: CRTC report

OTTAWA-GATINEAU – Led by the country’s sports services, Canadian specialty, pay, PPV and VoD television services generated revenues of $4.2 billion in 2014, up 3.1% over the $4.1 billion earned the previous year, according to the CRTC’s statistical and financial report for this sector released Thursday.Pay, Pay-per-view, Video-on-demand and Specialty Services 2010-2014 said that the increase is largely attributable to a jump in subscription revenues of $160.3 million (or 5.9%) compared to 2013, which more than compensated for the drop of $53.6 million (or -4.2%) in national advertising revenues.A major driving force for growth in specialty service revenues was sports services...