Radio / Television News

Soft ad market weighs down growth at specialty, pay, PPV and VOD services in 2015: CRTC report

OTTAWA-GATINEAU – A drop in advertising revenue helped slow the pace of growth at Canada’s specialty, pay, PPV and VoD television services in the broadcast year ending August 31, 2015, according to the CRTC’s statistical and financial report for this sector released Thursday.Pay, Pay-per-View, Video-On-Demand and Specialty Services – Statistical and Financial Summaries 2011-2015 said that the sector generated revenues of $4.3 billion in 2015, a modest 0.5% increase over the $4.2 billion earned the previous year, which was hampered by a $19 million decline in advertising revenue, which was offset by a $30.6 million increase in subscription revenues.The report says that...