Cable / Telecom News

Second ‘En route to the Discoverability Summit’ event set for December 3 in Montreal

MONTREAL – The CRTC has announced more details around its second pre-event leading up to its Discoverability Summit.In collaboration with the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), the Commission will host ‘En route to the Discoverability Summit: Content in the Age of Abundance’ in Montreal on December 3 at the Phi Centre from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Focusing on French-language markets, the event will be moderated by Matthieu Dugal, host and columnist on Ici Radio-Canada Première and TV5 Monde, and feature Pascal Lechevallier, CEO of What’s Hot, a new media consulting firm.  It will be live streamed on the CRTC’s YouTube...