TORONTO – After its launch on Verizon, Cingular and Sprint in the States, The Fight Network's Fight Mobile service has been added to the Telus Mobility product line. Found under the... Continue Reading
VANCOUVER - Canadians will have another wireless choice next year. Telus will offer Amp'd Mobile - which bills itself as an interactive and customizable information and entertainment wireless company -... Continue Reading
VANCOUVER – Thanks to continuing strong wireless and high speed Internet subscriber growth, Telus reported a 6% increase in revenues to $2.1 billion in the second quarter, as compared to... Continue Reading
TORONTO – Western telco Telus has hired Toronto's Bimm Communications to handle all of the direct response business for Telus landline, high speed internet and television. Already the agency of... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – The man behind most of the Clearnet and then Telus marketing of the past decade – including its signature "future friendly" animal and nature-based ads – Wade Oosterman,... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – With several video distributors now asking to add the satellite radio channels from XM Canada or Sirius Canada to their respective channel lineups, the Canadian Association of Broadcasters... Continue Reading
TORONTO – Four CHUM Ltd. channels which are thought to be tailor made for wireless viewing (i.e. – their content is already in small chunks of entertainment and information) have... Continue Reading
CALGARY - Community initiatives in Calgary will receive an additional $500,000 boost from Telus each year thanks to the new Telus Calgary Community Board. The Telus Calgary Community Board was... Continue Reading
THE TECHNOLOGY IS the easy part. Everything else is maybe just a bit frustrating. The regulatory landscape for voice over Internet protocol, Vonage Canada's raison d'etre, may be changing underfoot... Continue Reading
TORONTO – Mobisodes from TVOntario and its French language counterpart TFO are now available to Bell Mobility, Telus, Rogers Wireless, Aliant, Sasktel and MTS cellular customers. Thanks to a partnership... Continue Reading