MONTREAL – It was almost a game of regulatory Call Of Duty for Bell Canada on Friday as company executives brandished figurative pistols to whack as many of its enemies... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - The Competition Bureau announced Friday it’s launching a $31 million lawsuit against Bell Canada, Rogers Communications and Telus Corporation and the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA). The Bureau... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – Telus is another in the line of companies who want the purchase of Astral Media by Bell Canada killed. But, if it is approved, the industry needs better... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – “If we had realized last year how Bell would behave once it acquired CTV, we would have opposed that application and proposed even stronger safeguards in the Vertical... Continue Reading
WINNIPEG - Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. and its Board of Directors have announced a wide-ranging strategic review of its Allstream business division, a strong sign that it is positioning itself... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – Sometimes it’s hard to put a finger on the reasons why we decide to pull something out of the tens of thousands of words spoken at CRTC hearings... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – We have a real soft spot in our hearts for those regular citizens, the ones with no industry background, with nothing to gain financially, who are concerned enough... Continue Reading
VANCOUVER - The Supreme Court of British Columbia today ruled that Telus’ largest investor, hedge fund Mason Capital Management, cannot hold a meeting of its shareholders to consider a proposal... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – There’s little doubt of who’s the biggest fish in the Quebec media pond. Quebecor CEO Pierre Karl Peladeau is a rock star here, drawing reporters, photographers and others... Continue Reading
MONTREAL ? With a three-hour break mid-day (we were told someone had to go to a funeral, so quit complaining&), yesterday?s long hearing day featured a ton of back and... Continue Reading