VANCOUVER – More than 15,000 Telus employees, retirees, friends and family members across Canada will participate in some 700 activities in 36 communities across Canada on May 31, during the... Continue Reading
TORONTO - “It was not a take or leave it situation,” Ken Engelhart, senior VP of regulatory at Rogers Communications Inc., says of the roaming agreement the company signed with... Continue Reading
WINNIPEG - Telus will invest $130 million in new infrastructure and wireless technology across Manitoba through 2016, the company announced Wednesday.Telus said that the funds will be used to expand... Continue Reading
MONTREAL — Bell Canada has begun the rollout of its 700 MHz wireless services across the country and will announce “in the next month or so” the communities across Canada,... Continue Reading
GATINEAU - New entrants and would-be wireless providers find themselves trying to again convince the federal telecom regulator that it needs to intervene in the wireless market. At the same... Continue Reading
TORONTO – The third time does not appear to be lucky for Telus and Mobilicity.According to a report Wednesday in the Globe and Mail, Telus has heeded a warning by Ottawa... Continue Reading
TORONTO – Telus will invest $1.1 billion in new infrastructure and wireless technology across Ontario through 2016, the company pledged Wednesday.Telus said that it will invest $500 million across the... Continue Reading
OTTAWA-GATINEAU - Cable companies reported modest growth in revenues and subscribers in 2013, while satellite companies recorded a decline in both categories, according to the CRTC’s statistical and financial results... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - The CRTC must address "the incentives" that Canada’s largest mobile wireless companies have to raise their competitors’ wholesale prices, and, offer new entrants help in gaining a foothold in... Continue Reading
CALGARY - Telus is set to invest more than $2.6 billion in new infrastructure and facilities across Alberta through 2016, the company said Monday.Telus will spend $1 billion across the province... Continue Reading