MONTREAL - Cogeco Cable is launching its Ultimate 30 and Ultimate 50 high speed Internet packages for consumers in North Bay, ON, as well as its new Business Ultimate 30... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – Two of the country’s largest radio broadcasters are calling on the CRTC to make changes to its commercial radio policy.After appearing in front of the Commission last week... Continue Reading
MONTREAL - Cogeco Diffusion said that it is “pleased” that the CRTC has promised to review its application for two new traffic-oriented radio stations “without delay.”As reported, the radio division... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – The country’s big Internet service providers will be required to provide static Internet protocol (IP) address allocation for their third-party Internet access (TPIA) services, the CRTC has ruled. A static... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – The radio arm of Cogeco Inc. will create two new specialty traffic stations to serve the Greater Montreal area after receiving provincial funding for that purpose on Monday.Starting... Continue Reading
THIS MONTH, CARTT.CA INVESTIGATES, a brand new newsletter from, is analyzing the myriad changes underway in television advertising. In the series' first story, we found the appetite for new ways to... Continue Reading
THIS MONTH, CARTT.CA INVESTIGATES is analyzing the myriad changes underway in television advertising. Last week, we found the appetite for new ways to reach consumers via the TV platform is... Continue Reading
ONE THING BECAME CLEAR pretty quick when I sat down to with Phil Lind a not long ago. He wanted to talk about fee-for-carriage.The vice-chairman and executive vice-president, regulatory, at... Continue Reading
TORONTO – Quebecor has asked the CRTC to intervene in its battle with Bell over Sun News.As first reported by, the new Quebecor’s news-talk channel was removed from the... Continue Reading
TORONTO – Quebecor’s Sun News was removed from the Bell TV satellite lineup at 10 a.m. this morning (Tuesday, May 3).While the channel slot itself remains, the feed has been... Continue Reading