Cable / Telecom News

SaskTel launches infiNet service in 12 more rural communities

SaskTel announced last week it has started launching its fibre-based infiNET service — capable of delivering internet speeds up to 1 Gbps — in 12 more rural communities in Saskatchewan. The provincial Crown corporation is expanding infiNet service to the towns of Buffalo Narrows, Caronport, Dalmeny, Gull Lake, Kipling, Outlook, Oxbow, Pense, Preeceville and Rocanville as part of SaskTel’s Rural Fibre Initiative (RFI), it said in a press release. The RFI is a multi-phase program that will see SaskTel invest $280 million to bring infiNET to nearly 200 rural communities. In addition, SaskTel is deploying infiNET service to the towns of Bengough...