Radio / Television News

RTNDA Prairie region winners

EDMONTON - The Radio-Television News Directors Association of Canada presented its regional journalism awards yesterday in Edmonton.The 2004 TELEVISION winners are: Bert Cannings Award - Best Newscast CHAT-TV - Redcliffe, AB - "NEWSWATCH" (Small Market) CTV Regina - Regina, SK - "CTV News Six O'clock Report" (Medium Market) Global Calgary - Calgary, AB - "Racism at the Door" (Large Market) Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News CTV Saskatoon - Saskatoon, SK - "SHOOTING" CTV Winnipeg - Winnipeg, MB - "Crash Landing" (Honourable Mention) Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative CTV Winnipeg - Winnipeg, MB - "I.C.E. Unit" CBC Saskatchewan - Regina,...