Radio / Television News

On-line VOD revenue set to double in next three years: NPD In-Stat

AS INTERNET-ENABLED TV devices such as smart TVs, connected Blu-Ray players, game consoles, and streaming media players continue to grow their footprint within consumers’ homes, the revenue for online video-on-demand (VOD) and electronic-sell-through (EST) is expected to double by 2015, according to new research from NPD In-Stat. OTT Video: Content, Devices, Retial and Pay-TV Collide examines the current over-the-top (OTT) video market, quantifying consumer usage of on-line services, as well as content and devices. “OTT video is continuing to grow, overcoming the barriers of low device connect rates and cumbersome user interfaces,” said research director Keith Nissen, in the report’s news release....