Radio / Television News

Hockey Night in Canada returns to APTN in Plains Cree and now also in Inuktitut

Indigenous broadcaster APTN announced Monday it is teaming up again with Rogers’s Sportsnet to bring a third season of Hockey Night in Canada in Cree to its viewers as well as three NHL games broadcast in Inuktitut for the first time. Available on the APTN and APTN Languages channels, Hockey Night in Canada in Cree features play-by-play commentary from Clarence Iron, joined by analysts Earl Wood, John Chabot and Jason Chamakese. Hockey Night in Canada in Inuktitut will be hosted by Pujjuut Kusugak and David Ningeongan. The games to be broadcast in Plains Cree will feature the Winnipeg Jets vs. the Calgary Flames on Saturday, Jan. 18 at 7 p.m....