Cable / Telecom News

CRTC telecommunication fees to spike 12% this year

OTTAWA – The CRTC estimates that its total telecommunications regulatory costs for the 2018-2019 fiscal year, defined as April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019, are $29.095 million.The Telecommunications Fees Regulations, 2010 (Fees Regulations) provide for the payment of annual telecommunications fees by certain telecommunications service providers, as set out in sections 2 and 3 of the Fees Regulations.The annual adjustment amount referred to in subsection 3(5) of the Fees Regulations is $1.552 million for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.The Commission said Wednesday that the net billing for its telecommunications fees for the 2018-2019 fiscal year, taking into account the adjustment above, is $30.647...