OTTAWA - The Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC) has chosen its first group of funding recipients through its radio talent development program and youth internship program launched earlier this year. The recipients of the radio talent development program are: - CFAD 92.1 FM, Salmo BC: “Salmo Community Radio Local News/Public Affairs Forum” $4,700 - CFUV 101.9 FM, Victoria BC: “Women's Collective Coordinator - Summer Position” $2,970 - CHLS 100.5 FM, Lillooet BC: “Radio Legends” $9,750 - CHOQ 105.1 FM, Toronto ON: “Dossiers Choq” $7,350 - CIVR 103.5 FM, Yellowknife NT: “Recueillir et diffuser l'information locale, territorial” $10,000 - CJAI...