Radio / Television News

Movie nets get CTF funding

TORONTO - Following today's CTF allotment announcement, The Movie Network and Movie Central reported that they have received financial support for all of their co-produced CTF funding applications in the... Continue Reading

Hockey fans tune in to Worlds

TORONTO - TSN's live coverage of yesterday's Canada vs. Czech Republic gold medal game from the 2005 IIHF World Men's Hockey Championship attracted a national average minute audience of 1.4... Continue Reading

Commission approves $10 purchase

OTTAWA-GATINEAU – The CRTC today approved the purchase of CHSH-TV-2 Chase from Shuswap Lakes Television Society by Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Ltd. The purchase price was $10. Pattison’s CFJC-TV out... Continue Reading

RTNDA Prairie region winners

EDMONTON - The Radio-Television News Directors Association of Canada presented its regional journalism awards yesterday in Edmonton.The 2004 TELEVISION winners are: Bert Cannings Award - Best Newscast CHAT-TV - Redcliffe,... Continue Reading

Canyon to sing for CING

TORONTO - The New Country 95.3 announced this week that it has signed Juno Award-winning country artist George Canyon as the headliner of the third annual Canada Day Jam. Taking... Continue Reading