Radio / Television News

Free RAI for a week, from Rogers

TORONTO - Rogers Cable today announced that it will offer a free preview of RAI International on channel 59 to its non-digital cable customers in Ontario. The free preview will... Continue Reading

CRIA cries foul on pay radio

TORONTO – The subscription radio decision should have said something about signal security, and it didn’t do enough for Cancon, says the Canadian recording industry.Calling the CRTC decision on subscription... Continue Reading

Food Network refines logo

TORONTO – Alliance Atlantis’ Food Network Canada will unveil its new logo in September, 2005.Here's a sneak peek at what it looks like. Continue Reading

BANFF TV FEST: Doc money, the Act and HD

BANFF - Mountains, cocktails, double espressos and screenings with senators and stars, sure. But the Banff World Television Festival, as with almost every major international entertainment confab, is all about... Continue Reading