Radio / Television News

87% of CBC employees favour strike

TORONTO – After a strike vote taken last week, CBC employees have overwhelmingly supported taking strike action if necessary to get a new contract. The yes vote won 87.3% during... Continue Reading

CHUM’s best year

TORONTO – 2005 “is developing into CHUM’s best year ever,” company CEO Jay Switzer said this afternoon in presenting the third quarter financial results. Overall, revenue was up 18% to... Continue Reading

Revenue, profit up at The Score

TORONTO – Thanks to recent rate increases, Score Media (owners of sports specialty service The Score) today reported operating profit of $4.1 million for the nine months ended May 31,... Continue Reading

Campbell is new Foxy GSM

TORONTO - Bruce Campbell has been hired as general sales manager of Foxy 88.5 in Toronto. Campbell joins the Evanov Radio Group station with 33 years in broadcasting under his... Continue Reading