Radio / Television News

History signs “Joe Canadian”

TORONTO – Best known for his "I Am Canadian" rant for Molson’s beer, History Television announced today that Jeff Douglas will be coming to the network as host of new... Continue Reading

CBC hires new ombud

OTTAWA - Vincent Carlin has been appointed as ombudsman for its CBC/Radio-Canada’s English services. He begins his five-year term in January 2006. “The ombudsman’s office plays a vital role at... Continue Reading

TVO wants to clip its Cancon

GATINEAU – TV Ontario has applied to the CRTC to reduce its required Canadian content from 65% to 60%. Its current condition of license says that it must broadcast no... Continue Reading

Soo broadcaster Campbell dies

SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. – Long-time local radio broadcaster John Campbell has died. He was 66. According to, Campbell retired from his radio job last year and moved to... Continue Reading

Eligible satellite list gets SET

GATINEAU – The CRTC today added Sony Entertainment Television Asia to the list of eligible foreign satellite services and deleted the Scandinavian Channel. The Scandinavian Channel has been out of... Continue Reading