Radio / Television News

Z103.5 auctions U2 for Katrina aid

TORONTO – Evanov Radio station Z103.5 ran an on-air auction on the “Z103 Morning Show” this week to give listeners an opportunity to bid on a “VIP U2 Concert Package”... Continue Reading

Is your kid’s bus late? CHUM knows

TORONTO – Drawing on a database of over 20,000 bus routes, CHUM Ltd. launched "School Bus Monitor” yesterday, an exclusive service that allows parents and students to monitor individual school... Continue Reading

Rae and Montgomery take CCMA award

EDMONTON – CFCW’s Jackie Rae and the late Wes Montgomery (right) were named On-Air Personality of the Year by the Canadian Country Music Association last weekend. Rae was on hand... Continue Reading

George Stroumboulopoulos moves to CFRB

TORONTO – Standard Radio’s Newstalk 1010 today announced pop culture guru George Stroumboulopoulos is joining CFRB. The George Stroumboulopoulos Show will air Sunday nights 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. He... Continue Reading

New show, new management for APTN

WINNIPEG – The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network has modified its programming for this fall, launching October 3rd. News at Noon (1 p.m. ET) with Cheryl McKenzie is the first. McKenzie... Continue Reading