BURNABY, B.C. – The Telecommunications Workers Union doesn’t trust the free market and says that the CRTC’s VOIP decision issued yesterday was wrong-headed. "The Commission dropped the ball with this... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - The Coalition for Competitive Telecommunications said today it too believes the CRTC’s VOIP decision wrong-headed. "The Coalition argued that users ultimately pay for the entire telecommunications cost structure... Continue Reading
SAINT JOHN – Saying it, too, thinks the CRTC’s decision stinks, eastern Canadian telco (and BCE division) Aliant reaffirmed today its commitment to offer voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) telephony... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - “We’re extremely pleased with the decision,” Chris Pierce, executive vice-president government and regulatory affairs for Manitoba Telecom Services, told www.cartt.ca on Thursday after the VOIP decision was released.... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - Rogers Communications vice-president, regulatory, Ken Englehart told www.cartt.ca that the CRTC’s demand that cable open up its third party Internet access (TPIA) tariff agreements to explicitly include provisions... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - The Commission’s decision on VOIP was not unanimous, but only a 5-2 decision in favor of maintaining regs on the incumbent telcos. Commissioner Andree Noel and outgoing vice-chair... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – “Why did we find that VOIP is a telephone service? Because Canadians use it as a telephone service,” CRTC chairman Charles Dalfen said today at the Commission’s headquarters... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - Did the industry have this decision pegged or what? Mere minutes after the CRTC’s voice over IP decision was put out, the Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association issued a... Continue Reading
MONTREAL - A $62.9 million revenue increase at Quebecor Media Inc. (home to TVA and Videotron, among other assets) helped offset a decrease at printing division Quebecor World, as the... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - It’s a key decision for the cable and telecom industry and www.cartt.ca will be there. While the CRTC’s voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) decision itself will officially be... Continue Reading