Cable / Telecom News

CCTA asks for six more channels

OTTAWA-GATINEAU – The Canadian cable industry wants to add six more channels to the eligible satellite list. The Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association has asked that the Commission add Radio Television... Continue Reading

Music industry likes court ruling

TORONTO – While technically, they lost, the Canadian Recording Industry Association says it welcomes Thursday's decision by the Federal Court of Appeal.The appeal was denied, but the ruling clarified the... Continue Reading

SCTE Ontario golf tournament

BRAMPTON – The annual SCTE Ontario chapter golf tournament is scheduled for August 9th at the Lionhead Golf Club in Brampton. While player registration is not yet opened, the chapter... Continue Reading

Bell strikers up the ante

OTTAWA - Striking telecom workers at Bell Subco, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bell Canada, are raising the stakes in their seven-week-old strike, their union said today. "We know that... Continue Reading

WestJet TV takes off

CALGARY – Discount airliner WestJet has announced that its in-flight TV service is ready to fly in its newest planes. Partnered with Bell ExpressVu and LiveTV, WestJet today announced that... Continue Reading

Bartrem to leave Astral

TORONTO - Astral Television’s director of affiliate marketing, Richard Bartrem, will work his last day at the company on Friday. After five years with Astral, Bartrem has accepted the position... Continue Reading

MTS ties bundles to donations

WINNIPEG - "Three choices, three bucks, three charities," MTS said today while launching its new product bundles. From now until June 17th, for every customer who signs up for a... Continue Reading