Cable / Telecom News

Yahoo launches podcasting

SUNNYVALE, Calif. - Yahoo today announced its entry into podcasting with the beta release of Yahoo! Podcasts. The new Yahoo! Podcasts service lets consumers find, listen to, rate and review... Continue Reading

City-wide Wi-Fi

PHILADELPHIA – By the end of next year, the entire city of Philadelphia will be inside one big broadband wireless bubble. City leaders this week selected ISP EarthLink to build... Continue Reading

SCTE Ontario board call

TORONTO - The Ontario Chapter of SCTE has grown to over 600 members since it's inception in mid-2003. Strong leadership has been and will continues to be critical to ensuring... Continue Reading

Canucks on Shaw PPV

CALGARY - Vancouver Canucks hockey games will be offered on pay per view again this season, Shaw Cable announced this morning. This marks the fourth year the Canucks will be... Continue Reading

Vonage partners with telecom charity Graceline

MISSISSAUGA – VOIP provider Vonage Canada announced an agreement Thursday with Graceline Canada that will see Graceline offer Vonage Internet phone service. Graceline Canada provides consumers with discounted telecom services... Continue Reading

Starbucks and Bell team up for Wi-Fi

TORONTO - Bell Canada and Starbucks Coffee Canada announced they’ll make wireless Internet service available in Starbucks coffee shops across Canada. Company-operated Starbucks’ will offer Wi-Fi Internet access beginning with... Continue Reading

Bell Canada edutainment

TORONTO - Bell Canada launched kidsmania on Wednesday, a safe, fun, educational online world for kids aged 3 to 12. Kidsmania offers more than 50 interactive 'edutainment' games and activities... Continue Reading