MONTREAL - A group of independent franchise owners, who represent a significant number of operators of Bell retail stores in Quebec and Ontario, launched a massive lawsuit against the communications... Continue Reading
THERE'S SO MUCH UNINFORMED nonsense on display in the Canadian consumer media about how the Canadian television industry works and the CRTC's role in it that most of us in... Continue Reading
TORONTO – This June, CTAM Canada will sponsor a chapter member to attend CTAM U at the Harvard Business School. The Canadian CTAM chapter has become a Corporate Patron of... Continue Reading
MONTREAL - Starting now, all those in the 450, 514 and 819 area codes in Québec and 519 and 613 in Ontario must dial all 10 digits when making a... Continue Reading
MISSISSAUGA – A new adapter and router tagged by both Vonage Canada and Motorola was launched today. The Internet phone company and the tech supplier today announced the Motorola VT2442... Continue Reading
MONTREAL – Today, Cogeco Cable extended its digital phone service to Milton, Ont., as well as Matane, Sept-Îles, Baie Comeau and Port-Cartier, Québec. Currently, 38% of homes passed in the... Continue Reading
HALIFAX - Over 30 wireless Internet access points are currently operational in downtown Halifax as EastLink has begun trialing WiFi technology in various locations within the peninsula of Halifax. EastLink’s... Continue Reading
MARKHAM – As the company warned last week, contractor and equipment supplier Cygnal Technologies endured a tough 2005. Revenues were $125.8 million in fiscal year 2005, down from $140.1 million in... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – In a press conference on Monday, the NDP presented a document it obtained which it says shows the governing Conservatives are pushing ahead with plans to strip foreign... Continue Reading
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - While growth in broadband wireline revenues remains robust in the US, it is not enough to overcome steady losses in consumer wireline voice revenues among traditional telcos,... Continue Reading