Cable / Telecom News

Former ACQ president Bujold dies

TANZANIA – Sixty-five year old Marcel Bujold, a former president of the Association des cablodistributeurs du Quebec and one of the three founders of the Gaspé region's Cablo G, died... Continue Reading

Cogeco adds three HD

BURLINGTON - Cogeco Cable today made official the addition of three new high definition (HD) channels to its Ontario line-up. They are: * Sports channel Score HD * National Geographic... Continue Reading

Sign up for the Cable-Tec Games

MISSISSAUGA – Ontario's SCTE Cable-Tec Games will be held Thursday, April 26 from 2:30 p.m. to approximately 9 p.m. at the Mississauga Grand. This will be the only Games event... Continue Reading

Cogeco adds to VOD collection

MONTREAL - Cogeco Cable will add movies from Twentieth Century Fox to its video on demand lineup as of today. The studio's new release line up features X-Men The Last... Continue Reading