Radio / Television News

CAB objects to SOCAN’s TV tariffs plan

OTTAWA - This week the CAB filed its objections to SOCAN’s proposed tariffs for 2009 for commercial television (SOCAN Tariff 2.A), specialty and pay (SOCAN Tariff 17), radio (SOCAN Tariff 1.A), and Internet (SOCAN Tariff 22).The CAB says it has reserved the right to make further submissions to consolidate NRCC Tariff 9 (television and specialty and pay) with proceedings for SOCAN Tariffs 2.A and 17 before the Copyright Board, with the goal of achieving a single payment for a single use.The CAB also reserved the right to make further submissions to consolidate NRCC Tariff 8 (simulcasting/webcasting) with the proceeding for...