OTTAWA - Ever had to go through the harrowing experience of handing off your wireless device – the handheld tether for your entire life – to your service provider because... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – It’s rare when the incumbent wireless carriers and the new entrants find themselves on the same side of an issue, but the response to a Canadian Network Operators... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - Telus has bulked up on AWS-3 spectrum, paying more than $58 million for six licences (two each in the G, H, and I bands) covering Manitoba and Saskatchewan... Continue Reading
GATINEAU - The CRTC’s recent wholesale wireline decision fails to adequately take into account the significant growth on online video, both regulated and exempt, says regional CRTC commissioner for Ontario... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - An independent ISP and a big cable company are both lauding Wednesday’s CRTC’s wholesale wireline decision as a win-win.TekSavvy Solutions hailed the ruling, saying that if implemented properly,... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - Canada’s largest communications companies acknowledge that high speed Internet is now critical for Canadians to participate in the digital economy, but they remain divided as to whether the... Continue Reading
OTTAWA and GATINEAU - The CRTC appears have to struck a balance between competitors’ requests to access incumbent and cableco facilities, and the large providers’ need to invest with return on... Continue Reading
OTTAWA – There is broad consensus among the smaller Internet providers, consumers groups and local governments that high speed Internet is a critical part of Canadian society and the economy.... Continue Reading
OTTAWA - Industry Canada is tripling down on the number of licences up for grabs in its auction of unassigned licences from the previous 700 MHz and AWS-3 spectrum sales.... Continue Reading
GATINEAU – Consumer representatives say the CRTC’s proposed TV Service Provider (TVSP) Code of Conduct should mirror many aspects and be “as consistent with the Wireless Code as possible.” The... Continue Reading