JOIN BILL ROBERTS (former president and CEO of VisionTV) in an exclusive podcast with Conway as she talks about CBC host firings, the effect of the CRTC’s Let's Talk... Continue Reading
BANFF – Telling trends from fads is too often a mugs game. A peek at Amazon suggests that a book on trends seems to be written every 15 minutes and... Continue Reading
BANFF - Ireland (the republic), has a population of roughly 4.5 million folks, and yet it was one of the first countries to create a tax relief program for independent... Continue Reading
BANFF - Identity figured prominently as Monday took shape at the 2015 Banff World Media Festival.Jill Soloway, creator of Transparent, provided her own version of the paradox of plenty in... Continue Reading
BANFF – While it has certainly morphed, like the media it celebrates, The Banff World Media Fest remains the only gathering of its kind dedicated to the global business of... Continue Reading
JUST WHEN I WAS GETTING used to my phone being a TV and my TV being a phone, life got more complicated. Now we're doing business in an era of... Continue Reading
BANFF – One of the funkiest sessions at Banff was titled "Consumers and Choice: What Works And What Doesn't". In the context of the federal government’s Throne Speech promise to... Continue Reading
BANFF - One in four Canadians is a 4 screen consumer; and Canada per capita is the number one user of Facebook. Close to 40% of us readily watch TV... Continue Reading
BANFF – On Sunday, seven wise folk sat as a panel to road-map what the future holds for our business.These were: moderator Peter Sussman, executive director of Aver Media Finance... Continue Reading
BANFF - While Shelly Glover, our Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, hasn’t spoken publicly to or about the industry very much since her appointment last July, (we at... Continue Reading